A judge ruled that the developer must stay in jail for 90 days while awaiting charges and a court date.
Nvidia's CFO said falling crypto prices and changes in consensus mechanisms have in the past impacted demand for its products and the company's ability to ...
Owners of luxury watches can now verify ownership as NFTs and then take DeFi loans out against them, while Miley Cryus may soon enter the metaverse and NFTs ...
The Ethereum co-founder suggests that cryptocurrency payments are a "big boost" to international business, charity, and even payments within countries.
“So we are gonna drop the lawsuit, 100% and I'm sorry this became public,” said Ben Armstrong.
The foundation aims to streamline Uniswap's grants program and "reinvigorate governance."
Enjoy Axie Infinity, DeFi Kingdoms, and other cryptocurrency games while they last, because lawmakers are poised to crack down by mid-2023.
“Our hope is that cbETH will achieve robust adoption for trade, transfer, and use in DeFi applications,” said the crypto exchange.
"An economy dominated by digital payments but without a strong monetary anchor would be inherently unstable," claimed Rehn.
After co-leading the company since 2019, Trabucco says he will be an adviser, but not a daily presence in a winding Twitter thread announcing his decision.